Thursday, November 25, 2010

a thought on trust

It's just so amazing that with all the things going on for the past few weeks, I learned one important lesson: trust.

I realized how God, our Father trusts. When He sent Jesus, His one and only Son to earth to redeem man, He trusted Him. When Jesus came here on earth, He was prone to sinning. Just one hint of sin and He will be separated from the Father and He would also fail to accomplish the task and plan that the Father and Jesus had. But, the Father trusted him that much that Jesus was able to do it. The Father had faith in His Son, that He said, "In Him I am well pleased."

When Jesus Christ fulfilled His task here on earth (John 3:16). He left to be with the Father and He entrusted the "fate of the world" to 11 men. The wonderful thing is: He trusted them. did He have a plan B in mind? No. He trusted them completely. He had faith in them - that whatever He taught them would bear fruit in their lives. Were the apostles not prone to sin? Yes they were. Actually if they chose to deviate from their calling they could do so becasue of their free will. An example of one of their imperfections, is the case between Peter and Paul - when Paul rebuked Peter on the issue concerning the Gentiles. Though they had the Holy Spirit working in their lives, they were still prone to failure. But Jesus trusted these men. The results of the trust that Jesus had on these men is evident today, 2000 years later. See how Christianity has grown and spread. It started with the eleven men whom Jesus trusted.

How much do you trust your children, people you are following up? I don't undermine, however, the need for correction, rebuke and teaching especially in the years of the children's growth and to the beginnings of the people you are following up. You need to put that protection over them as a father does for his children. you need to coach them. Feed them. Make decisions for them. But, there comes a time when you just have to let them go and make the decisions themselves. You just have to trust them. The correction, rebuke and teaching is still applicable after you've released them, but, you have to allow them to make the decisions themselves whether they fail or succeed.

I realized that some of these young adults who are "mama's boys" that get involved in gangs know that there is danger to what they get involved into. But they want to have that feeling of being reponsible for themselves. They don't just want to look cool. They want to show the world that they are able to make decisions for themselves. When we don't put our trust on the people we love when its time for them to walk on their on steps, they rebel. They distance themselves.

I could relate to that. I am a "mama's boy" myself. I'm proud of it. But i thank my mother because she realized that at a certain point, she needs to let me go and do things on my own. Because of that, I learned to make decisions, grow up and fight on. I am thankful that I wasn't driven to get involved in gangs - though I was on the verge of doing so years ago. instead, I got involved with something that's so important in life - Jesus Christ... and I know, He trusts me.

Note: This is a repost (with a little editing) of my original blogpost entitled "On the Issue of Trust" posted on Multiply last December 3, 2006 at 8:52 PM.

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