dot hagiazo

I had begun blogging a few years ago when Friendster began hosting one. But, as the years progressed and with the shift in focus, I stopped blogging. But, recently, with some free time from my work, I came across my old blogs and I felt I needed to go back to blogging. Aside from thinking aloud, I believe it can help me hone my skills in writing and encourage me to read (again!). By the way, I am on a mission to restore my love for reading books, aside from the Bible, that is.

dothagiazo is a resumption of the blogs that I have done a few years back. A blog I started with from synapse. My blogs today have now become more than just a thought of mind but of thoughts seen, experienced, and learned in my daily life.

hagiazo came about when I came across it while reading my Bible. I found it on the footnote for John 17:17. The verse was quoted Jesus as praying, "Sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth." In this verse, sanctify meant, from the Greek word hagiazo, being set apart for sacred use or make holy. This footnote revealed the heart of Jesus Christ for each one of us. He was praying for us to become better people through Him, and we can grow in Him through His Word which is the truth.

This has become a declaration in my life. I have embraced the prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ. He wants us to become better each day and so I believe that indeed.. it gets better each day!